
What’s new with widgets in iOS 10

Widgets are getting a big upgrade in iOS 10; here’s what you need to know.ios-10-widgets-1

Apple’s use of the term “widgets” may not match what Android users consider a widget, but at the end of the day the two distinct approaches serve the same purpose: To provide snippets of information at a glance.

The 3 most annoying changeios-10-lock-screen.jpgs in iOS 10

The new iOS 10 beta is full of fun and useful features: Messages is completely
revamped, you can delete Apple apps you hate and the Music app kind of makes sense now! Yet, as with any new release, there are some annoying aspects to iOS 10.

 iOS 10 notifications look the same, but work a lot lock-screen-notifications-ios-10differently

Apple is changing how you can use notifications, here’s what you need to know.At first glance, notifications on iOS 10 will look like they always have. But, as the saying goes, things aren’t always as they appear. The ways you view, clear and interact with notifications work a lot differently.

4 ways to stop sleeping with your phone

Let’s get real: You do it, your neighbor does it and we do it, too. But before getting cozy do-not-disturb-android-ios.jpgunder the covers with your smartphone, consider one of these ways to go to bed solo and proud.If you’re spending each night sleeping with your phone, stop.

But why?, you ask. You two aren’t hurting anyone, you say. And that’s where you’re wrong.

Your complete guide to Messages on iOS 10

1.jpgApple revamped its messaging platform on iOS 10 with stickers, apps and other fun, if at times, gimmicky features. Here’s what you need to know.In iOS 10, iMessage looks a lot more like Facebook Messenger. Apple added features like Stickers, “Tapbacks” and even apps that you install within iMessage.

How to change the tip on the Note 7’s S Pen

If your Note’s S Pen isn’t writing as smooth as it used to, swap it out its tip in just a few
seconds.When you took your shiny new Note 7 out of the box, did s-pen-change-tipnotice the weird accessory tucked away at the bottom of the box? Don’t throw it out! You’re going to need it if you ever need to change the tip on the S Pen should it ever get bent or lose get worn out.

The difference between an iPhone’s Do Not silent-vs-do-not-disturb.jpgDisturb and silent modes

iOS offers two ways for your iPhone — and you, by extension — to be less intrusive in certain situations. You can enable Silent mode and you can also enable or schedule Do Not Disturb mode to keep your iPhone from ringing, chiming or otherwise emitting unwanted sounds. Although both modes effectively silence your iPhone, there are differences with which you may not be familiar. Let’s jump in.

What you need to know about the Note 7’s Secure Folderimage.jpg

Get the most out of Samsung’s added security feature.Let’s face it, we all experience a brief moment of anxiety when handing our phone to a friend or family member, even if for a brief moment. Or at least I do. It’s not that I have anything to hide, simply that my phone has

6 areas where the Note 7’s software looks           differsamsung-s7-edge-vs-note-7-iconent

Samsung revamped the overall look and feel the Note 7’s software. We detail some of the more notable differences.Not long ago, Samsung was known for the sheer amount of dramatic changes it made to the look and feel of Android. For those who don’t remember, Samsung’s TouchWiz skin was synonymous with bloatware and overloading devices with features users didn’t need or want.

How to sign up for the Android Beta ProgramVRG_TEC_android_N_beta.0.0

If you like living on the bleeding edge and have a Nexus device, here’s how to sign up for Google’s beta program.Looking for incentive to sign up for the Android Beta Program even if your Nexus already has Android Nougat 7.0? How does testing upcoming maintenance releases sound?

Get to know iOS 10’s new Music app

ios-10-music-app-4.jpgAlongside a long list of new features on iOS 10 comes a redesigned Music app. Here’s what you need to know.Last year, Apple Music launched alongside a redesigned Music app on iOS and, let’s just be honest, the app was horrible. It was difficult to navigate, confusing and lacked key features (Shuffle All, anyone?).

iOS 10 notifications look the same, but work a lot differentlylock-screen-notifications-ios-10.jpg

Apple is changing how you can use notifications, here’s what you need to know.At first glance, notifications on iOS 10 will look like they always have. But, as the saying goes, things aren’t always as they appear. The ways you view, clear and interact with notifications work a lot differently.

What you need to know about deleting delete-mail-app-ios-10.pngApple apps on iOS 10

Starting with iOS 10, you can delete Apple’s own apps from your iOS device — but there are some things you need to know.Gone are the days of creating a junk folder and tucking it away on your last home screen, full of Apple apps you never use. The Apple app graveyard is in the cloud now; no really, it is.

Disable three iOS features you likely use only by accident

Some features only get in the way. Learn howipad-multitasking-setting.jpg to disable two iPhone features and one iPad
feature that you probably can do without.With each iteration of iOS, Apple adds new features to make iPhones and iPads
more flexible and easier to use. I happily accept these improvements each year, but there are some that end up just getting in the way.

What you need to know about using two SIM cards on the sim-settings.jpgOnePlus 3

Whether you’re traveling overseas, or want to combine a personal and work phone number into one device, the OnePlus 3 makes it really easy.After unboxing the OnePlus 3 and sliding the SIM card tray out, you may have been met with a surprise: As with the OnePlus 2, the company’s latest phone supports dual SIMs, which means you

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